of Design


Welcome to "Pillars of Design," curated by Bhroovi Gupta, a UI/UX and Visual designer in New York. This digital hub celebrates three influential readings—Richard Hollis's "The Modernist Grid," Ellen Lupton's "Thinking with Type," and Ruben Pater's "Colour & Culture." encapsulating profound insights that redefine our understanding of design. "The Modernist Grid" navigates structured grid systems, "Thinking with Type" explores typography's communicative power, and "Colour & Culture" delves into the interplay of color, society, and culture, offering invaluable design lessons. Catering to professionals, budding designers, and enthusiasts, "Pillars of Design" stands as an enlightening gateway and embodies timeless design wisdom, fostering an appreciation for the artistry and functionality inherent in design.







Crafted in 2023 by Bhroovi Gupta, "Pillars of Design" showcases commitment to merging timeless design principles with contemporary innovation. Reflecting Hollis, Lupton, and Pater's ethos—simplicity, functionality, and cultural resonance—the platform boasts a seamless user experience and captivating visuals. This website pays homage to authors preserving their legacies to inspire future designers. "Pillars of Design" embodies knowledge, innovation, and design evolution, a testament to design's enduring impact under Bhroovi Gupta's visionary stewardship. Step into this realm of design enlightenment, where the convergence of knowledge and innovation awaits within "Pillars of Design."